Home Page > Our ethical values > Our Ethical Values

Protecting animals’ health and contributing to their welfare: Royal İlaç is a company managed by veterinarians.

Contributing towards the growth of the Turkish economy: the improvement of of livestock husbandry is closely linked to the growth of the country economy.

Being clear and transparent: We are always trying to be clear in the message we want to convey and transparent about the information we present.

Staying in the legal frame: While staying in the legal frame in decision-making and implementation process we are acting ethically and behaving in a moral manner.

Counting the reputation of the institution as our major interest: The aim of our company is creating value to achieve the profit objectives, not only a growing business and a strong capital, but also a corporate reputation created thanks to many years’ experience. 

Counting the product as an honor: Feeling responsible of each product and making sure that it is only benefiting animals.

Strengthening the image of Turkish products: We are proudly satisfying and providing solutions to thousands of farmers, zoo-technicians, veterinarians and business men thanks to our high quality products and services which strengthens the image of Turkish products abroad.


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